Why We Should Travel Less

IMG_2188I love traveling, all of it — from the dreaming to the scheming to the part where I pack my life in a 22-inch protective, polycarbonate shell. Like many of my hyper-mobile peers, I have gotten into a rhythm of leaving home one or two weekends a month and, usually, with good reason.Either I am tacking a few days on at the end of a work trip to visit old friends and family, or I am taking a few days off to visit new towns and terrain. This seems to be the case for the majority of my middle-upper class friends who sly-sigh how busy they are for the next x number of weekends, yet can’t say no to the weddings, showers, reunions, retreats, marathons and getaways that promise to make for “can’t miss” memories.With summer travel in full swing, I’ve started to wonder, what are the costs of our worthy weekends away?You can find me - and the rest of this article - at On Faith: http://www.faithstreet.com/onfaith/2015/07/21/why-millennials-should-travel-less/37331


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Blessed are the Peacemakers