It’s a question I’ve been asking since 2008 when I started writing for “holy hellions,” those faithful rebels who stand against the culture of sexism, stereotypes and Sunday School answers while standing with God and God’s people.
I believe in being the church. I believe in attending a church. I just don’t like to do it. I don’t like when the old people talk too long even though I need to be reminded of our shared history. I don’t like it when the babies cry too loud even though I need to be reminded of our shared need. I don’t take well to authority figures telling me what to do. And yet I have a lot of opinions on what they should do.
I like Jesus; I just don’t like when he’s separated from the other persons of the Trinity like the cheese who stands alone. I believe in tradition if there’s a good reason behind it. It’s just that I often can’t get a straight answer about what that reason is.
I have a master’s degree in theology, but I don’t want to hear your dissertation. I want the specifics, like how you picture God when you pray and what you say to the beggar on the street who asks for money.
I am interested in people who earnestly want to belong and are ready to do so with people who don’t look and think and act like them. The trouble is I have a hard time committing to these people because as pastor Lillian Daniel puts it, “In community, humanity is just way too close to look good.”
My pronouns are she/her. The S. in my middle name stands for Steffen. I am married to a small man with a big love for youth ministry. After a decade of being childfree, we unexpectedly adopted three, school-aged girls. I do not know how to make coffee, cut toenails, or whistle. I do know how to drive a stick shift, do a headstand, and dance. I’m a Myers-Briggs INTP, an Enneagram 5, and a Path Elements Profile fire nature. I’m nicer than you think.