On Bulletins, Belonging, and Who Exactly "Beth" Is
In my search for a church home during graduate school, I attended over ten churches in two years, each with their own different style of communication. Some handed out a tan, tri-fold piece of paper by which I could follow along, nose down, during the service. Others projected announcements on movie screens that required thick-rimmed glasses to read. My favorite bulletin was at an Anglican church who footnoted each part of the service so as to explain its theological significance. It was a divinity nerd’s dream.It’s the second week of the “Trust Me” series, and I’m talking about the micro-resolutions church leaders can make to foster trust with Millennials. This week’s topic? The little things that can take our bulletins from information to transformation.To finish reading this article, join me with your comments, questions, and other trust-building suggestions at Patheos: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/faithforward/2015/01/trust-me-church-how-your-bulletin-makes-me-feel-like-i-do-or-dont-belong/